QuickCam is the app, and like the name suggests, this thing is fast.
Instead of waiting 3 seconds for the stock camera to launch, QuickCam fires up in less than a second on the iPhone 4. Faster on the iPod Touch.
No more waiting to switch to "video" or "photo" mode either. Buttons are right at your fingertips to start up a video or take a photo with a single tap.
Hold down the photo button for the fastest full-resolution rapid-fire camera available for iOS. Instantly take 2.5 full-size photos per second at the touch of a button with QuickCam
Oh, and the really fun part - you don't have to stop taking a video to snap a photo. That's right, for the first time ever, you can take photos and video at the same time.
All this and a few other hidden gems make QuickCam the perfect replacement for your stock camera. I mean really, faster is always better.
We're currently looking for reviewers, bloggers and podcasters to test out the beta. Be among the first to see QuickCam in action.
Would love to try this out, I've been using Camera+ but the startup time is horrendous.
ReplyDeleteJosh - keep in mind this app is not intended to compete with Camera+. I love that app for sure, but this one is aimed at a different audience. It's fast and easy to use, saves directly to the camera roll (no lightbox) and doesn't have any editing features.