Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reviewers Love QuickCam Before it Hits the App Store

Over the past week, we were able to get several influential reviewers to beta test QuickCam.  I must say the response has been overwhelming.  This is a tough crowd, not at all shy about telling app developers what they really think about the app.  We're so excited about the responses, that I thought I'd share a few of them here, even though we're still waiting on Apple to approve the app.  At this point, I can't share the names or websites of the reviewers, but the response has been incredibly positive.  Here are a few quotes from the feedback we have received so far:

"the camera speed is definitely quicker, it's replaced my default camera app"

"it's replaced my default camera"

"It's fast. It really is."

"have to say, I'm impressed with the apps speed"
"it's quite fast. you should think about licensing this out to other photo apps"
"Cool app :)"

And our personal favorite:

"seems to work pretty good for me – I like the feature of being able to take snapshots while filming video.  This is going to take my porndirector career to the next level."

I can't wait to announce general availability in the app store, but the Apple Gods have determined that we're going to have to wait a little longer.

Stay tuned for more updates.  We've still got more reviewers looking and approval should come any day now.


Monday, March 7, 2011

New iPhone App Coming Soon - QuickCam

A friend and I have been working on a kickass new app for your iPhone since January.  It's about the hit the App Store and change the way you take photos and video on your iPhone forever.

QuickCam is the app, and like the name suggests, this thing is fast.

Instead of waiting 3 seconds for the stock camera to launch, QuickCam fires up in less than a second on the iPhone 4.  Faster on the iPod Touch.

No more waiting to switch to "video" or "photo" mode either.  Buttons are right at your fingertips to start up a video or take a photo with a single tap.

Hold down the photo button for the fastest full-resolution rapid-fire camera available for iOS.  Instantly take 2.5 full-size photos per second at the touch of a button with QuickCam

Oh, and the really fun part - you don't have to stop taking a video to snap a photo.  That's right, for the first time ever, you can take photos and video at the same time.

All this and a few other hidden gems make QuickCam the perfect replacement for your stock camera.  I mean really, faster is always better.

We're currently looking for reviewers, bloggers and podcasters to test out the beta.  Be among the first to see QuickCam in action.